by Gary 

The Beneficial Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Prior to Surgery



Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, resulting in higher oxygen levels in the body. While HBOT is commonly used to treat various medical conditions, its benefits extend to the pre-surgical setting as well. Preoperative HBOT has shown promising results in optimizing tissue oxygenation, enhancing wound healing, reducing infection rates, and improving postoperative recovery. This article aims to explore the beneficial effects of HBOT when used prior to surgery.

Enhanced Tissue Oxygenation:

One of the primary benefits of HBOT before surgery is its ability to enhance tissue oxygenation. By exposing patients to increased atmospheric pressure and pure oxygen, HBOT increases the amount of oxygen dissolved in the bloodstream. This ensures that tissues receive a higher supply of oxygen, which is vital for optimal wound healing and tissue repair.

Improved Wound Healing:

HBOT promotes wound healing by facilitating several key mechanisms. Firstly, the increased oxygen availability stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. This improves blood circulation to the surgical site, delivering vital nutrients and oxygen necessary for tissue repair. Additionally, HBOT enhances the production of collagen, a protein crucial for wound strength and integrity. By accelerating the formation of collagen, HBOT helps in the closure of surgical incisions and reduces the risk of wound dehiscence.

Reduced Infection Rates:

Preventing surgical site infections (SSI) is a top priority in surgical practice. HBOT has demonstrated its ability to reduce infection rates when administered before surgery. Oxygen-rich environments created during HBOT inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, particularly those that thrive in low-oxygen conditions. Moreover, HBOT bolsters the immune system’s ability to fight off infections, enhancing the body’s defense mechanisms against bacterial colonization.

Decreased Complications:

Complications following surgery can significantly impact patient outcomes. Preoperative HBOT has been associated with a reduction in postoperative complications. By improving tissue oxygenation and optimizing wound healing, HBOT reduces the risk of surgical site complications such as delayed wound healing, wound infections, and tissue necrosis. Furthermore, HBOT’s anti-inflammatory properties help minimize the inflammatory response triggered by surgery, resulting in faster recovery and reduced pain.

Promotion of Recovery:

HBOT plays a valuable role in postoperative recovery by facilitating tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and enhancing overall healing processes. Patients who undergo preoperative HBOT have reported faster healing, reduced pain levels, and improved overall well-being during the recovery period. By promoting a healthier and more efficient healing process, HBOT can contribute to shorter hospital stays and an earlier return to normal daily activities.


Preoperative HBOT offers numerous benefits for patients undergoing surgery. By enhancing tissue oxygenation, promoting wound healing, reducing infection rates, and decreasing complications, HBOT provides a valuable adjunct to surgical interventions. However, it is essential to note that HBOT is a medical treatment that should be administered under the supervision of qualified healthcare professionals. Further research and clinical studies are necessary to explore the full extent of HBOT’s benefits and refine its utilization in the preoperative setting.

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